Wednesday April 30, 2025 10:00 - 10:30 IST
SRv6 has been a key feature in SONiC for many years, supported through collaboration among various SONiC Ecosystem partners.

Recently, Alibaba, Cisco, Microsoft, and Nvidia have worked closely to further enhance SRv6, enabling hyperscalers to integrate it into their SDN deployments.

Microsoft contributed the HLD, which has been merged into the SONiC 202505 release [1]. Additionally, over 20 PRs have been merged across SONiC, SAI, and FRR to support this HLD, with contributions from Alibaba, Cisco, Microsoft, and Nvidia.

In this demo, Cisco and Microsoft showcase how hyperscalers can leverage SRv6 in SONiC for a range of Hyperscalers SDN use cases.

[1] https://github.com/sonic-net/SONiC/blob/master/doc/srv6/srv6_static_config_hld.md

Ahmed Abdelsalam

Engineering Technical Leader, Cisco Systems
Ahmed Abdelsalam is Technical Leader at Cisco. His main focus is the IP technology. Ahmed has been working on several IP engineering projects including SRv6 uSID and IP Measurements. He helps the customers in their SRv6 and IP Measurement adoption journey. He contributed to the SRv6... Read More →
Wednesday April 30, 2025 10:00 - 10:30 IST
SONiC Booth

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