Tuesday April 29, 2025 12:00 - 12:30 IST
With the projected growth of AI, SONiC plays a critical role in enabling enterprises to deliver AIaaS. This demo will offer a method to cost effectively optimize the usage of SONiC infrastructure for running training and inference in a multi-tenant environment required by AIaaS provider. The presentation will delve into the obstacles faced by customers in tuning Scale-Out fabrics running SONiC. In a multi-tenant environment, usage of GPU and Storage platforms needs to be optimized. This presentation highlight SONiC capabilities and the usage of those features in simplifying deployment and orchestration of the AI backend scale-out fabric, and tuning of the fabric to meeting the compute and storage demands required by tenant jobs. The demo concludes by calling to action the SONiC community to continue to innovate in delivering lossless SONiC based ethernet infrastructure required for meaningful adoption of the Ethernet as protocol of choice for backend AI fabric.
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Stefan Bokaie

CTO, Dorado Software
Stefan is a growth-focused and dynamic executive with extensive experience in leading all facets of technical operations. Stefan is currently serving as CTO of Dorado Software, a leading provider of Fabric Orchestration and Management for Enterprise, Cloud and Telco. Stefan's prior... Read More →
Tuesday April 29, 2025 12:00 - 12:30 IST
SONiC Booth

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